Print and fill out the Registration Form here.
These documents are in .PDF format and you will need an Adobe-compatible reader to view the page. If you do not have Adobe's free Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.
Include your $100.00 non-refundable* deposit to secure your reservation.
Please do not send cash. Make checks, or money orders, payable to "OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SEMINARY."
* Deposits are non-refundable only if the workshop attendees do not show up or cancel their registration.
Obtain a testimonial letter from your diocesan bishop or religious superior.
If your diocese has a standard form, we will accept that. Otherwise you can find a sample testimonial letter HERE. This is a PDF document.
For those attending our Sung Mass workshops who have already attended one of our Low Mass training workshops in the past, the letter we have on file from your previous workshop suffices. If, however, you have transferred to a different diocese or religious community you must send in a current letter.
Mail all items to:
ATTN: Mass Training Workshops
PO Box 147
Denton, NE 68339 U.S.A.
Once we have received all your registration information we will call or email you to confirm your registration. Please let us know your travel arrangements as soon as possible (information on getting to the seminary can be found on the TRAVEL page. Please refer to the ITEMS page for a list of items to bring with you along with the items you can expect to receive as part of the program.